Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Odin and Fitz.

So, it has been 5 days (ish (time is fuzzy)) since we got the pup, whose name is now finally Fitz, after much deliberation.  Fitz being the main character from 2 sets of Robin Hobb trilogies Farseer, and Tawny man. A Fitz in the book was another word for a bastard child.  He also always found trouble, which is the fitting name part. Although really i'm not at all sure his parents were married. :-O  
Other than that no significant puppy updates there soo moving on.

I had today off from work !!! so I watched 2 movies and cleaned the house.  Also I looked into trading in my truck for a VW Jetta! we'll see how that goes.  I loves the Jettas. I mean I already drink Starbucks coffee. might as well get a trendy car right? Are they trendy? Do I care? All questions unworthy of thought to form an answer. There it is. Train derailed.

Also we are heading out to do a large chunk of christmas shopping tonight. These excursions always end the same way. I get angry at mall mobs and hungry and turn into the hulk. In turn Leah feeds off my 'crankiness' and its just a good ol' time. 

Lastly I am going to try to follow advice of a good friend. A great friend really. Especially being my one and possibly only 'follower'  I will try to update everyday this week, just to get into a rythym.  And also heres a youtuber that is cool.

That is all -Eric out-

1 comment:

  1. I think you have 2 followers now Mr., good work! If you write enough, they will come. Also, try interesting titles like "So I got a box in the mail filled with 80 body parts" - awesome article by my favourite blogger. Google it. :)

    I support VW. Check out this: I had to write about it for school, but I won't bore you with the details.
