Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A quick excuse and a note on common sense.

HELLLloooooo. (seinfeld style)

Just a quick update post christmas.  Leah got me an Xbox360.  Enough said. It's amazing that I've been going to work. Haha. I am sort of kidding. Anyways, that will be my excuse for no posts since xmas ish.

Today I had a thought about 'Common Sense'  Firstly I'm not so sure that it ever was common.  Maybe when all the hills went up and it always snowed.  But certainly these days, nowhere to be seen.  It's like Common sense, decided it was time for a change of pace, so picked up and moved.  Unfortunately, he neighbors, decency, and open-mindedness (to name a few) also moved.  (maybe foreclosures)  Anyways, housing prices drop and whammy! in moves the new kids, stupidity, arrogance, and ignorance.  Now we try to find common sense to ask his opinion, but he's changed his address and has a new cell number.  And so common sense is now uncommon sense, and the common sense isn't sense at all. Just some bullies trying to get you killed.

Well I'm not going to bother going back to check if that made sense or was just a angry sounding rant. Just assume there is some important message in there that you can't quite understand, cause then, then you'll get it.

Eric out...Halo awaits.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

5 interesting time wasters, and a chocolate covered turkey?

So a quick note today, as it is Christmas eve, eve, and with Leahs family Christmas lasts about a week. ie: tomorrow morning we awake early (5ish) we do our presents to each other. Then we go to work. I will probably close up the shop around 3 ish.  From there we head to Leahs dads for a family (around 60 people) dinner/pool tourney.  We usually just spend the night there, but this year because of the pup, we'll come home around 10-12 (with one of us running home to check on the dogs a couple of times). Then again in the morning of the 25th, again at around 5am, we head back to Leahs dads to do presents/breakfast there.  From there we head home briefly, run the dogs up to the barn, then head to Nanaimo for a present exchange/dinner with Leahs Grandparents.  Back home grab dogs..sleep.  26th, Head up to Leahs other Grandparents for presents.  Meet random friends thoughout the day, then return to the grannys for a dinner.  Another gathering on the 28 in Port Alberni (which I'll miss due to work(also same 60 ish people)).   Its' chaos.

But as said here are 5 websites that I find myself wasting a significant amount of time on. - a collection of lectures about just about everything.  they post new material fairly regularly and most of it is quite cool. - a fun website with mini games and animations. great for wasting time. - just what it sounds like. someone else does all the dirty work of looking for new and cool websites. - A fairly decent place to find some good quotes. Nothing too obscure though.

Well thats all for today, Merry Christmas and eat yourself into a food coma. I know I will. 
-Eric out-
P.S. heres my lazy cat.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm a bear, erin's a blogger, and the dude, well the dude abides...

Firstly, I realize that I basically forgot about this blog business for about a week. Seems to be the trend. I'd like to blame the busy Christmas season. Gotta be someone or something elses fault.  Luckily a good friend erin started a blog and thus reminded me that I had one, by telling me about it. Again I blame my (nearly) 30 year old memory for that one. 

So a pretty cool thing came to my attention this last week, and I thought I'd share it.  The North Island Wildlife Recovery Association, here in Parksville (Well Errington) has bestowed upon me a great honour by naming a bear they rescued after me.   Fortunately though my work I get the opportunity to fund-raise and donate to this great cause.  The tireless staff there work to rehabilitate injured wildlife, ie: hit by cars, shot, abandoned. Those that can be release back into the wild, they work to do so, otherwise they give a home there at the shelter.
Here is their website for more info...P.S. if you haven't been there, you should go, It's a must see around here.
And without further ado Eric the Bear:

Robin Campbell the manager at N.I.W.R.A. says the bear has my eyes, but I think the main resemblance is the matching chest hair.

Other new things in my small world include me being done Christmas shopping and wrapping and now its just on to the eating and drinking. Hurrah!

That is it for now, tomorrow...5 cool websites.

-Eric out-

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Minute by minute.

Just to keep the fairly random blog content going, I am going to update this entry all day long, with whatever I may be doing at the time. Should have a day in the life sort of thing.  Firstly I woke up at 7:20 when Leah left for work. I then walked all the way to the couch, where I napped with the dogs unitl 9.  Showering and all that jazz brings me to now. Coffee and pie for breakfast....
...12:37.  Took the dogs for a walk, which is funny/annoying. Fitz keeps trying to eat Odins back legs, so Odin Pulls to try and get away. Must look pretty funny. Other than that I am just finishing off the pot of coffee from earlier, and I'm not sure if I am going to spend some time with my guitar, or reading for awhile.  F.Y.I. I am reading a book called 'Gardens of the Moon' By Steven Erikson. So far It is really well written.  It took a bit to get into, because it jumps around between characters and time a fair bit. Hmm I think reading it is. Also here is an avatar I made while wasting time a few minutes ago. P.S. I love Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. So you should go watch it and report back later.

So I in fact did read my book.  It was a good time.  And then Leah got home from work. And then we finished our christmas shopping. And then we came home and she wrapped the presents, while I watched YouTube videos, which is just a strait up fair trade.  And that is the end of the day.  To end this off, I will revise my favorite 10 movies of all time. I may revisit this as I remember other movies.  
Here is take 1 anyways. (and in no order)

2)True Romance
3)The Deer Hunter
4)The Big Lebowski
5)The Princess Bride
6)Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
7)Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
8)Monty Pythons: The Life Of Brian
10)Donnie Brasko

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Heavy metal, comic books and random words orbital.

Wednesday. Day off. Many chores. Since I am trying to make a blog one of my commitments, I don't even have to call messing around on the computer a procrastination.  Also I've found that as long as I budget time to paly around rather than clean and take shit to the dump I don't feel so bad about it. Ha. Denial or what. Either way I'd better hurry up, I've got a 1:15 comic reading engagement.  So on this particular blog I'm going to mention a few worldly events I'm half assed following.

You ever wonder if as a species, we are trying to destroy ourselves? More than just obvious issues like,  pollution, violent nature etc.  Much like standing at the edge of a cliff and getting the urge to jump.  Of course we never do, because we realize that as cool as it might be for a second, that would likely be a very painful very final end.  That being said, I recently finished a book all about what might happen in 2012.  It threw in just enough science to get me thinking. I'm far to skeptical to dive right in to believing in that sort of thing. Especially after y2k.  But I find myself rooting for the universe to knock us down a peg.  Now I don't think I sadistic enough to just want global level catastrophe just for something to watch on TV. Buuut.....there it is.  The more I talk to people (over the years) about this type of thing, I realize that it is ingrained in 90% of us.

Is this some self racial hatred. A built in self defense system telling us we've gone too far. That would be neat.
Keeping all that in mind, WTF North Korea. The government (whoever is ACTUALLY currently in charge) Sr. or Jr. They are at the edge of the cliff. But at the bottom is a village and they are rigged to blow.   Again you gotta wonder, maybe they figure they've got a raw deal and just want to start it allll over again.  I can't picture anyone going nuclear without some long term goal. RESET. 

If don't know what the shit this is about, read this.

See I just had a cool daydream about living in the mountains.  Growing veggies and raising animals and packing a sword.    Niice. 
Anyways, What do YOU think. Want to see the world (mostly) wiped out?
Remember that 90% of the world is douche bags anyways. (Official stat)

That is all for today. ramblings galore. 

Also heres a song with a RRRAAADDD guitar solo. (if your not into metal(victoria) start it at 1:59)

-Eric out.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Odin and Fitz.

So, it has been 5 days (ish (time is fuzzy)) since we got the pup, whose name is now finally Fitz, after much deliberation.  Fitz being the main character from 2 sets of Robin Hobb trilogies Farseer, and Tawny man. A Fitz in the book was another word for a bastard child.  He also always found trouble, which is the fitting name part. Although really i'm not at all sure his parents were married. :-O  
Other than that no significant puppy updates there soo moving on.

I had today off from work !!! so I watched 2 movies and cleaned the house.  Also I looked into trading in my truck for a VW Jetta! we'll see how that goes.  I loves the Jettas. I mean I already drink Starbucks coffee. might as well get a trendy car right? Are they trendy? Do I care? All questions unworthy of thought to form an answer. There it is. Train derailed.

Also we are heading out to do a large chunk of christmas shopping tonight. These excursions always end the same way. I get angry at mall mobs and hungry and turn into the hulk. In turn Leah feeds off my 'crankiness' and its just a good ol' time. 

Lastly I am going to try to follow advice of a good friend. A great friend really. Especially being my one and possibly only 'follower'  I will try to update everyday this week, just to get into a rythym.  And also heres a youtuber that is cool.

That is all -Eric out-